My Quote

, 31 augustus 2009 23:11

Creativity is toying with your feelings and express them.



Well, it was one of the most important weekends of the year. It was the 'Summertronics-Weekend' @ Van Roey Automation. The weather was good and that was very important. You could go into a hoisting crane and it lifted you up to 52 metres! Over there, you could see the skyline of Turnhout and the nuclear plant of Doel! Also Manu went up with us and he took some pictures over there!

And 'De Standaard'!

, 17 augustus 2009 00:36

I was just on the website of 'De Standaard' and also there was an article about me!
You need a 'daypass' to see the whole article... :-(



, 14 augustus 2009 18:27

Also on!

Also on the GvA-Site...


I actually didn't know anything about it.
But the article, from GvA, is also standing on their website.

Stef in the Gazet van Antwerpen!

, 13 augustus 2009 12:36

A special thanks to Hans Otten! He wrote all the things down that I said and he made an amazing article!

Interview RTV


On the RTV-Site

, 12 augustus 2009 15:17

Watch RTV or buy Gazet van Antwerpen!


You just have to watch to RTV this evening. Because, two people from RTV came to me and took an interview of me. And OMG! I was so nervous, it wasn't normal! I was just feeling so different as normal when they put that camera in front of me! And then, the GVA was also very strange, because I had to take a pose in front of the photocamera and also that was a strange feeling.
Tomorrow there will be an article in the 'Gazet Van Antwerpen' about my 'streetview project'.
I'll post the interviews so fast as possible!


, 11 augustus 2009 15:03

Well... do you know 'Google Streetview'?
I took a lot of pictures at some crossways in Kasterlee and you can see them in Google Earth!


, 07 augustus 2009 17:24

Veronique came to me this afternoon. And she wanted to record some songs.
(She was actually asking it since September 2008 xD)
And we have recorded 'Bubbly' from Colbie Caillat.

And it sounds... amazing!
Listen to it here

New Mozart!


They've found a new piece of Mozart in Salzburg.
And I have to say that I like this piece!
I know - it's another style than what you hear on the radio.
But it's just amazing, they think that Mozart was 7 years old when he wrote this piece. So...